3 Crazy Facts About German Language You Probably Don’t Know

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German is a popular language in Europe. The country hold a special place in the historical film of Europe’s past. With the advent of the modern era and the most likable production companies in Germany, more and more companies from around the world are encouraging their employees to learn German, and thus offer handsome benefits to those who do.
Do you know Germany and English are sister languages? Here are some bizarre facts about German-

  • German is found to be spoken throughout the world by an impressive 1.4% of the world population. It is the 11th most popularly spoken language in the world, which is impressive owing to its population size and influence.
  • Heard- “It's all Greek to me?” In German Language you say it as- “Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof ” which literally means - “I only understand train station” but means the same. Germany sees such frequent exchange of hilarious proverbs by the local population.
  • German is a highly specific language that supports the creation of particular words to describe certain situations. For example- Weltschmerz which means a time when the world fails to live upto our expectations. Another example would be- Vergangenheitsbewältigung which implies trying to come to terms with the past.

Thus german language is a storehouse of historically laden words and trivia, which makes it

one of the most popular languages of the world.
