Unknown facts about German Language!

Learn German with Pune Training Institute

German has its roots in Latin and Greek, while few words have been also derived from French and English. According to britannica.com, “German belongs to the West Germanic group of the
Indo-European language family, along with English,Frisian, and Dutch (Netherlandic, Flemish)”
Germany has seen bloody wars in its lifetime. From extreme anguish and defeat to being the most
powerful nation, Germans have been through a roller coaster of defeat and victory, however, one thing
remains constant- the love for German Language. Here are few more unknown facts about
German language, that may surprise you:

- Like many big nations of the the world, Germany surprisingly has many dialects. Swiss German,

Austrian German, Bavarian dialect, Low German, Pennsylvania “Dutch” and many more!

- A very pressing issue with new learners of this language is the association of every noun with a

gender.There are 3 genders: Masculine, Feminine and Neutral. Gender doesn’t seem to follow the
same logic in English as it does in German.

- This fact has been mentioned in one of our earlier posts but needs another mention, because it is

hilarious! German once consisted of a 63-lettered word-
Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz” meaning ‘the law
concerning the delegation of duties for the supervision of cattle marking and the labelling of beef’,
now dropped. Phew!

Therefore German has minutiaes of information in its massive usage around the world.

To know more about German Language and learn from our expert orators, please visit our website.
