Crazy German Mythology ( A quick overview- I bet 90% of you don't know about this! )

Magnificent German Folklore !

Do you think Germany is all about Brands, Industries, Lager and Hitler?
Then you might want to broaden your opinion.

Germany shares a stunning similarity of folklores with Britain and Scandanavian stories. It's stories are embedded with fairies, elves, dwarves, witches and old tribe storytellers.

Did you know that the famous fairytale writers- THE GRIMM BROTHERS, were German? Your Disney Princesses like Rapunzel, Cinderella, and Little Red riding Hood were all German.

Did you see a pattern in these stories? 

A royal kingdom under a witch's spell, a wench being made the princess, natural spaces like forests and woods becoming the centre of action. Almost every story rewarded the good and punished the cruel.

Also the hero has to leave home and overcome plentiful of obstacles with the help of magical objects and pet creatures and sometimes fairies, to lift a curse or spell from their kingdom. Also, most protagonists are portrayed as wise and brave.
Anna Kendrick as Cinderella in "Into the Woods (2014)" copyright Disney Studios.

It is said that the Grimm Brothers invited the local storytellers into their home, and added their own elements of magic and twists in the folklores.

For those of you willing to explore German Folk tales, visit this site.

Not just the globally famous ones, the stories of Krampus, Berchta and Holda are widely circulated fascinating tales for kids and adults alike.

Did you know the Pied Piper of Hamelin also originated in Germany ? The list is exhausting!

Here are few more of the most popular tales from Europe Diaries.

1. Lorelei:
The 'murmuring' rock.

A number of legends and stories in Germany are associated with singing nymphs. One such legend of the Rhine talks about the Lorelei, a beautiful nymph called Lore who used to sit atop a high rock (Lei) and sing in an enchanted voice.Mesmerized by Lorelei’s melodious voice, many sailors would be drawn towards her and often lose balance, falling into the rapids. Turns out the area where this rock is located (Rhine Gorge at Sankt Goarshausen ) was one of the deepest and dangerous points of the river Rhine. 

2. Rumpelstlitskin

We have all loved this story about an old miller's daughter who, on her father's bluff, was ordered to actually turn straw into gold by the king, and does it only secretly with the help of a dwarf like creature who helped her first two times in return of something valuable- necklace and ring. 

The third time she didn't have anything so he says he will ask for it when it's time and helps her anyways. Thus the girl escapes severe punishments and becomes the queen. 

But the dwarf returns and now asks for a favor by requesting the queens baby. However , she could avoid that by guessing his name in 3 chances. For the first two visits, she guesses wrong names. 

Shattered, the third day she visits the forest and stumbles upon the dwarf dancing and singing, "Tonight tonight, my plans I make, tomorrow tomorrow, the baby I take. The queen will never win the game, for Rumpelstiltskin is my name". 

Thus she guesses his name right and he stomps his foot angrily and disappears in earth, never to be seen again.

All lore enthusiasts in Germany read German scripts on a frequent basis to excavate new stories and tales for the world. German literature is thus rich and needs more involvement by enthusiasts.

Anyone who seeks to decode German Literature, must do so as there are said to be almost hundreds of untold and un-excavated stories in German Scriptures, that need exposure.

If you work with Literature, you MUST visit Germany for you work and we are there to help you out.

Learn German Language to avail this opportunity.

Join Pune Training Institute.

Our experienced instructors have not only visited Germany for work, but also experienced it's eccentric culture. Study with us, Indulge in depth of German Culture
